Monday, January 25, 2010


My name is Connie Hodgkins. I was born in North Hollywood, California and have lived in California all my life. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I feel I received a not-so-great public education as part of the Los Angeles Unified School District. After that, my education got better. I attended Valley Jr. College and Pierce Jr. College in the San Fernando Valley and moved on to San Diego Mesa Jr. College to finally get my two-year degree in Psychology. I was then lucky to go to San Diego State University to complete a bachelor's degree in Child Development in two years, graduating in 1983.
I have had this Dell notebook computer for way too many years. But it does what I need it to do, so I haven't moved to macbook like my daughters. I use my computer (which has Microsoft Word 2003) for e-mails, googling, Quicken, occasional basic excel spreadsheets, simple photo storage, and playing solitaire. I use my Palm Treo cell phone for storing addresses, directions, and have the most fun texting with my family.
Regarding the CSUSM COE Mission Statement, the words "reflective teaching" appeal to me as I often go through things over again in my mind wondering how I could do it differently next time. I feel teachers should always practice reflective teaching. At our first class session, Mr. Heil expressed his appreciation for the shared governance of the education department. It's nice to hear from a professor that he feels that the department really functions using the concept of shared governance. It's also nice to hear he really likes how things are run.